
Apr 10, 2014 Cisco and Juniper products hit by Heartbleed bug Apr 11, 2014 Downloads - Juniper Networks

Cisco, Juniper Issue Heartbleed Alerts - BankInfoSecurity

Juniper issues Heartbleed security alert for VPN, switches Apr 11, 2014 Heartbleed Bug

Organizations scrambled to put a fix in place and update builds. At Juniper, several product teams worked round the clock to ensure that customers get updates on highest priority. As of a short while ago, Junos Pulse Connect Secure (VPN) and Policy Secure (UAC) released patches that would fix the vulnerability for its mobility offering.

Cisco Patches DoS, VPN Issues, Looking Into Heartbleed Apr 10, 2014 Cisco and Juniper products hit by Heartbleed bug Apr 11, 2014 Downloads - Juniper Networks Up-to-date information on the latest Juniper solutions, issues, and more. [EX/QFX] Unwanted ARP cache update by unicast ARP packets Juniper Products Affected by Heartbleed OpenSSL